Yay, you all got your entries in! I love all of these; great job interpreting the theme, everybody!
Bekah with Alayna
Priya with Penelope
Silence with Felicity
VKPixie with Maya
Willow with Josefina
Phoebe with Evelyne
Madeline with Katie
Great job, everybody! I know that this theme was somewhat more difficult than others, but you all did a really awesome job. Since you all got your entries in, I have to eliminate two of you... :'( So I made the very difficult decision to eliminate... VKPixie with Maya and Silence with Felicity.You two were really great contestants and I hope you can compete in Season 9!
Onto special mentions...
Phoebe with Evelyne - Very cute. I love how bright it is, and it depicts a very realistic scene.
Willow with Josefina - This is really awesome. The lighting and setup are all done in a realistic manner, and the overall idea is very sweet.
I figured that putting the new theme in this post would create less bulk, etc. So, your theme for round eight is...
Obviously this theme is very vague and gives you a lot of scope for the imagination [kudos to whoever catches that quote!]. I think this theme shouldn't just depict creativity, but it should be creative in and of itself. Get some crazy ideas, guys. Anything goes in this round, as long as it's creative. I really want this theme to be bursting with creativity and awesomeness.
Your entries for round 8 are due on or before Tuesday, October 9. Now I shall proceed to say what I say every round. I know you're sick of it, but I'll say it anyway:
Remember what counts:
*Creativity [duh, haha]
And as always, try to keep your camera steady with a tripod or something of the sort.
Have fun, and get crazy with this theme!
much love,