Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I know it took me a really long time to get this up, but that was because I was trying to decide on a winner. Both of your pictures have been awesome all throughout the contest, but these were some of my favorites. I really wish both of you could win.

Here they are!

Willow with Melissa

Jessie with Taylor

Both are great.

So after thinking long and hard... the winner is... 


Willow, I really hope that you compete again in the next round. You were amazing all season. I hope to see you compete next season. Congratulations on making it so far.

Jessie, Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see all the cool themes you come up with. I'll email the stuff that you need.

Everyone this year was great. I hope you enjoyed this season's themes and pictures.

Thanks everyone for participating and reading.

~ Amerigirl ~


  1. Congrats Jessie! Willow, you did a FANTASTIC job too! :D

  2. Will I be able to enter the next round??

  3. Yep, you sure can!! Wow, thanks soooooooo much!!!!!

  4. Congrats Jessie! Willow, you were siriusly amazing, I loved your photos. :D

    When does the next round start?

  5. Soon! I'm working on the post right now. (:
