Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Round 2 Results

The time has come!! It is now that we "I" must decide the fate of this rounds participants.

Lol... Anyway, I recieved some absolutely beautiful pictures this round! Every single pictures was "stellar major" and it was extremely difficult to make these decisions.

First, I will post everyone's pictures:
                                           Amerigirl with Mia
                                          Crazy Doll Lady with Vienna

                                                    Livvy with Nelly
                                                       Sonja with Adair 

                                          Jasmine with Cynthia

                                              Nutti Netti with Mia

                                                    Anne with Elizabeth

                                                    Britts with Jasmine

                                                Carolyn with Delilah

                                                   Emma with Kit

                                          Liddy with Natalie

                                         Iona with Kit (sorry it's sideways)

                                                    Alisha with Jess

                                           Koda with Josefina

                                                   Mackenzie with Chrissa

                                                    Quinlyn with Felicity

                                          Munch with Samantha

Aren't they beautiful!

Time for Special Mentions!!!

            - Amerigirl with Mia- Such gorgeous lighting!! Mia looks so pretty, and gotta love the bokeh.

            - Carolyn with Delilah- I love all of the bright colors and patterns. The writting is a little much, but it's still beautiful.
            - Britts with Jasmine- So creative! I love the deep colors and the angle is great.

Now for the hard part. I have to eliminate 2 people. As hard as it is for me to choose, I have chosen to eliminate "Anne with Elizabeth" and "Nutti Netti with Mia". I am so sorry, you have both taken some good pictures. Better luck next season!

I'll announce Round 3's Theme some time in the next few days, be on the lookout!



  1. Good job everyone! There's some REALLY gorgeous pictures up there!

  2. Whew, I wasn't eliminated!:) All the pictures were very pretty. I can't wait to what the next round is.


  3. Great job, everyone! These are absolutely STUNNING photos!! Thanks so much for liking mine, it means alot to me! :-D Also, thanks for sharing that the text was a little much, I will take note of that and fix it in the future. ;-)


  4. Thanks! I can't wait to hear next round's theme!
